What ever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. (Napoleon Hill)

Past Life regression

"Have you lived before"?
(Birth is not a beginning; death is not an end.) Chuang Tzu 369-286 B.C.E
Have you ever met someone for the very first time and felt as though you had known them for years?

Been somewhere for the very first time, yet had the experience that it was very familiar?

Do you feel that you seem to be drawn to a particular culture or era?
If you can answer yes to these questions then you have been experiencing a past life memory!

Have you ever wondered about your past lives? Many people have come to Hypnotherapy Services, sometimes out of interest and yet others because something at sometime has sparked off a vague memory of something which has happened in the past.

Others come due to the fact that they are having re-occuring dreams and are simply looking for an answer.

At Hypnotherapy services we offer you the chance through carefully guided regression to experience and explore your past lives.

We know through research that our memories store all our experiences from the past. Not only the experiences from this lifetime but all our experiences from our past lives.

Dr Ian Stevenson has spent over forty years investigating reports of past life memories. Over the years he has recorded more than 2500 cases of past life memories, mainly young children. Some 800 of these cases have been investigated and analysed.

You do not have to believe in reincarnation to experience a past life. If you have an open mind and a willingness to try you can experience a journey which can help you to broaden your understanding of yourself, the meaning and purpose of your life, relationships with loved ones, family friends and co-workers

So what can past life regression do for you? It can: -
  • Control or even eliminate pain, guilt and anxiety.
  • Reveal the true causes of physical illness.
  • Dissolve the negative aspects of the past which may be hindering growth and contentment.
  • Stimulate increased self knowledge and understanding.
What is past life regression?

In simple terms past life regression is just remembering. Stored in your subconscious mind are all the memories of all of your experiences, what it is like to be a small child or baby, what its like to be born. Regression is reaching into these memories to enable you to recapture the events of the past, not only this lifetime but also the memories of previous lifetimes. At first these memories are dim and few but each event remembered sparks another memory and another until it becomes easy.
Some people like to compare it with a filing system that has become sluggish due to lack of use over a long period of time. But with a little care and attention here and there and putting the system on standby soon the system will be running and you will be retrieving the memories and information you request.
What to expect in regression.

You will experience a past life regression through the means of guided relaxation, where you will feel deeply relaxed and at ease. As you start on your past life journey you will remain a ware of where you are and what you are doing. At no time will you feel any fear or any apprehension on your journey.

You will receive the information directly from your subconscious in some way, it may be through seeing images, feelings or just a knowing. As you are asked questions to awaken the memories you may feel that you are reliving the the lifetime with all its sensory input. More often than not people will watch it as if they are watching it on a TV or cinema screen so as to remain detached. As mentioned before as the memories start to come to the surface they may be vague but as the session progresses they will become clearer and easier to retrieve. Once the session is over you will remember everything that has happened.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

For more information on past life regression on a one to one basis or for group workshops please contact us at Hypnotherapy Services on:-
0161 282 9291
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